Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines Day overrated??? I think so.

Happy Valentines Day to you all. I must say that as much as I love candy and chocolate I feel that this is one holiday that is seriously overrated. My husband and I do the cards and the small gifts but there so much pressure to be uber-romantic. I don't know the true definition of St. Valentine or anything but in our terms it is a day to show the ones we love how much we love them. However, correct me if I'm wrong but with life as short as it is do we REALLY need a day to show people our love? Shouldn't we show the people we love how much we love them as often as we can? It means more to me when my husband does our laundry, makes my coffee in the mornings or mops the floors without having to be asked than a box of chocolates and a dozen roses that he paid way to much for. I hate to sound totally jaded but think about it. We all are very busy but when we take the time out of our busy day to do a small thing for a friend or loved one it shows how much we care about them. We don't need a special day for that do we?



  1. Get out of my head.
    I was thinking the same thing. I love the candy and hearts but really I do love my husband all yearlong.

  2. Thanks for the comment on my page girl. I appreciate it so much!!! I love your design. I really need Christina to hook me up with something cute. I totally agree with you on the whole Valentine's Day thing. This year all my husband I got each other was a card. I was in a wedding anyway, so I didn't have tons of money left over to get a big gift. I was never a huge fan of Valentine's.

    Anyway, nice meeting you. I'll be sure to keep checking your blog.
    Take care.

  3. Ryan and I just do sentimental gifts. This year I took a deck of cards and put a reason I love him on each with a cute little photo. Then I took all the cards put them together on rings and tied ribbon around the ring. I found the idea off a craft site and my husband loves it.


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