Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I'm Mad!

I'm having one of those days where the longer the day goes the more irritated I become. Bare with me if you would as I vent about my day. First I am mad that we have a water leak outside and that it could have been caused by Ameren but there is no way to prove it. I am mad that they are going to dig in our yard for the 3rd time since we have had it slit seeded this summer which wasn't cheap! I am mad that my Dad is going to have to fix it and that yet again Eric will be at work and wont be able to help. Don't get me wrong I am VERY THANKFUL for his job, but it never fails that when something goes wrong he is GONE! To add to all of this I had to go to Walmart today and I HATE going to Walmart. So of course today I had to get "that" cart. You know the one I am talking about the one that is so loud people hear your from a mile away! I was so irritated about it I almost couldn't stand to push it to get my stuff. I seriously thought about leaving the cart and just leaving Walmart altogether. As I checked out my bill was almost $100 and I was like shit what on earth did I buy I have like four bags!!!!! Lastly I am mad because I am in such a mood that I am letting all these stupid little things bother me. I just yelled at my dog for wanting to go outside! Geesh, I am not usually so irrational because well that's makes me mad too! I am sure when I reread this post I will think how stupid all of this is! Thank you for letting me rant and rave about the silliest things today. I am going to chalk this mood up to that time of the month aBridget_19nd move on!


  1. dont get so upset ill make you happy when i get home. just a little bump on the road but.......we have damn good shocks!

  2. I HATE "that" cart, too! Ugh... never fails... I always get that cart! Ugh!

    Cheer up! You leave for Vegas soon!!!

  3. do you feel better now that you have ranted? I always feel better after a good rant


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