Sunday, August 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Shelly!

I would like to wish a big Happy Birthday to my sister. She normally hates her birthday because of her birthday curse. Yes I said curse...for the last I don't know how many years around her birthday something bad has happened. Here is just a few of the big things that have occurred..both our Grandparents passed away within a week of her birthday(not the same year), she and Jimmy where in a horrible car accident where she almost went through the windshield, she had to move reluctantly from her home on her birthday one year, Jimmy burned his eyes with a welder last year a day before her birthday. I am sure there is more but no need to go into more I think you get the idea. Well this year the curse was broken! She had a great birthday and the week before was good too! Mom and I made our way down to her house and we ate lunch and then went to the beach. They say a picture is worth a thousand words so here you go...
My sister doesn't own a pair of sandals so she went to the beach in her boots! I guess thats why we love her so much. She doesn't give a crap what people think about her she is just her. Hope you had a GREAT Birthday Shell, I love you.



  1. YAY! The birthday curse is broken!!! :)

  2. I love the beach/boots concept. That is very original. Your sister seems cool.

  3. Oh my sisters name is Shelly too, except its Shelley.

  4. Aw, I hope your sister has a great Birthday!


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