Saturday, August 1, 2009

What's up with the sickness in the summer??

Only a couple of weeks ago Eric and I were sick with some nasty stomach flu and now Eric has an upper respiratory infection or at least thats what the Dr. at our Prompt Care Clinic says. His mouth is full of sores, so is his throat and his face is swollen because of his glands. I have heard of more people being sick this summer and its not right. Its summer we are supposed to be soaking up the sun, having fruity drinks, and hanging out with friends. Instead I am inside disinfecting anything Eric touches because I don't want any chance for this summer sickness to spread to me.Please no more summer sickness in our house we've had enough! Hope everyone else out there is avoiding this summer sickness going around.


  1. I know! It seems this summer a ton of people have been sick. Alot of people I know have had stomach issues. Hopefully your hubs feels better soon!!!

  2. Ewww.. hope your hubs gets to feeling better.

  3. Ugh. Summer Sickness Sucks. Blah. Hope Eric is better soon!


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