Sunday, June 14, 2009

Lip gloss+toenails=EWWWWW

In my line of work as a Cosmetologist there are very few occupational hazards. A few of them are....cutting yourself with your sharp shears, bleach or color on clothes, dropping your shears on your toes, you get the idea. Well, Awhile back I was getting set up for a pedicure and my lips were felling really dry so I put on some new very sticky lip gloss. My client came in so I got her in the pedicure chair and let her soak for a few minutes before I started. So it came time for me to clip the toenails which is a normal part of the pedi and doesn't bother me in the least. That was until as I clipped a very strong toenail and it flew up and stuck in my very sticky lip gloss!!!! As I was trying to nonchalantly get the big toenail off my lip it would not budge! I didn't want to start making gaging noises because I didn't want my client to get a complex about her feet, but I was grossing out!!!! I was thinking what the hell is in this lip gloss that has made it like crazy glue? Get this toenail off my lip!!!! Finally after having to stop the pedicure and literally wipe all the lip gloss/toenail off my lip the ordeal was over! Moral of the story is I NEVER but fresh lip gloss on before I do a pedicure!

A newer less gross toenail story is that the other day I got one in my bra! Yep in my bra, I could feel it the whole time until I excused myself to get something and quickly got it out!


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