Thursday, September 24, 2009

Random take 2 or 3 or.....

So I am in a mood, like a mood that I just cant shake! This is going to be a random post about whats on my mind. First off I am sitting at home feeling sorry for myself while my two girlfriends are out having fun. Yes I said it and I sound like a little baby. Thursday nights have become a night where we go meet up with a few friends have a few drinks and Eric plays pool. Well this Thursday we had decided to take a Thursday off. That was before Eric got called to go to work and I am sitting at home by myself. Eric had no problem with me going but I felt like no we said we were going to skip this one so I should stay home. Not only that but my two girlfriends are single and obviously I am not. Mind you I am happy about being married, I love Eric. I wouldn't want to be out in the single scene. I just don't want the people that live in this small town to get the wrong idea. I have to go out without Eric sometimes but I feel like I should keep it minimum. I know, I know, Eric says screw what everyone thinks but unfortunately I care to much about what people do think so I just can't. Any how the girls sent me a picture they printed off of me, which I'm not sure how they got but anyway the text said, "see you're here with us". I know guilt trip right?! That's where this first random part of my post has come from, basically me feeling bad for myself due to no ones fault but my own!

Second random thing on my mind.....People screening their calls! Why do people do this? I mean I have been known to screen calls from family members but never my friends. If you call me and I don't answer its because I really couldn't get the phone. The sad thing is I don't just have one friend to call out on this little issue. All my friends do this! How about a quick text that says hey swamped right now ttyl. I'm not taking this personal because I really don't think it is, but don't blame your children because thats a cop-out. I am sure that this may make some people unhappy and I'm sorry but its how I'm feeling right now. Tomorrow when this mood flys over I am sure this will all seem so petty, but tonight it was blog worthy and I already feel better.



  1. I felt the same way when my hubby was gone. Sometimes you just gotta suck it up and have fun. Screw what everyone else thinks. You and him both know what is true.

  2. Yeah I have a friend and anytime I call her she's too busy to talk. But when she wants to talk it's a whole different story.

  3. I am feeling you on both points. Mainly the phone thing!


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