Saturday, September 5, 2009

Oh how I love a rainy day

My Saturday started by my alarm going off at 5:50 a.m! Yep that's right 5:50 a.m. Maria and I had to start doing up-do's for a wedding here at the house at 6:30. I had the coffee pot set up so it was ready and waiting! We didn't even have to get out of our pajama's. We got their hair done in good time and by 9 a.m. I had my whole day ahead of me. I decided to run into Effingham to get my god son's birthday present and a bite to eat. It had started raining pretty good while I was in town so I decided that the rest of my afternoon would be amazing laying around on the couch maybe catching a nap and sitting on my laptop. I love rainy days because it gives you an excuse to be totally lazy and just lay around and catch up DVR'd tv, facebook quiz's, and eat anything you want. The bad side of a lazy rainy day is now I need to get motivated to do something and that is tough. I may have to have another pot of coffee just get myself up and going again. It's only 6 o'clock and it feels likes it's much later. Happy Labor Day Weekend everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Rainy days are sometimes the best. Hope you had a good weekend.

    And I wanted to make sure you found me back since I changed my address.


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