Saturday, September 26, 2009

Have some respect People!

In the past 2 days I have witnessed 2 things I find very disrespectful. The first one was last night driving home from dinner. We meet an ambulance and we were the ONLY ones that pulled over!!! In fact the truck behind us rode our ass as we slowed down and pulled over. Do they not teach in drivers ed to get out of the way when there is any emergency vehicle coming? Please people show some respect that could be your loved one in there someday. The second thing was this morning when I was leaving work. I work across from a church and as I was leaving there was a funeral procession starting. I continued to stay at the stop sign as all the cars left the church. However other cars were not so kind. They were trying to pull out into the street and go around the procession. Again when I see a funeral procession you NEVER pull out in front of them and if you meet them you respectfully pull over! In the funeral processions I have been in it means a lot to a person to have perfect strangers pull over in respect for your loved one. Its a small gesture but still nice.



  1. Yeah that's not good at all. I can't believe people when I see things like that.

  2. I hate how people are always in a hurry to get somewhere. I mean really, driving like an ass might save you a minute or two.

  3. Sometimes people make me want to barf... Ugg a little respect people!!


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