Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Its almost Christmas...

Yep its almost Christmas and I am so excited!!! Christmas Eve will be here in just a few hours and then the family togetherness starts. Tomorrow evening my Dad, Step-Mom, Brother, and Sister will come to the house and we will have dinner and then open gifts. My Brother n law most of the time doesn't make it because he has to work and we never know if Eric will be there or not. It usually stays pretty low key. Eric and I get up Christmas morning and open gifts together when we can but we never know what his schedule will be like.

The CRAZY Christmas doesn't happen until we go to my Mom's parents at noon on Christmas day. We pack 20 to 25 people in my Grandparents fairly small house and let the fun begin. Somehow we all manage to find a place to sit and eat. Imagine being in a busy restaurant with people being very loud, and some being rude all asking for 5 different things at once, well that's what its like. You get to a point where you cant hear yourself think. Its a little more than my Sister likes to deal with but I love it. I wouldn't have it any other way. After we eat we all cram into the living room for our dirty Santa gift exchange. That gets pretty hilarious to because we all end up fighting over a 6 pack a beer or lottery tickets....really redneck I know. Eventually that game ends and then we spend the rest of the day laughing and drinking and playing games in-which my little cousin wins every-time.

Later that day we will head to Eric's Grandmas where they will play cards into the wee hours of the night if possible. They like to play pretty serious so I usually try to hang back for a little bit and visit before I play. They don't really appreciate it when you are playing a game and trying to visit. They don't mean any harm by it, its just how they play.

As I wrap this blog post up we are 30 minutes before its officially Christmas Eve and I cant wait to spend time with my families. Even though we can be pretty dysfunctional it makes me who I am and lets face it will make for some good blog post.


1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you have some great holiday plans! Have a Merry Christmas!


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