Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I Hate Rude People

Have you ever encountered a person so rude that no matter what kind of smile you plaster to your face it doesn't take away their scowl? I know that you have, so you have to ask yourself....Who pissed in their Cheerios? Did they wake up on the wrong side of the bed? We all have our bad days but in general I try not to take it out on complete strangers. I mean how hard is it to say excuse me in the isle at Wal Mart instead of bumping into my cart. How about just some common kindness. I always think that kindness gets you a lot farther than being rude. I work with the public everyday and most people are nice and friendly. However you always have that one person that can ruin your day faster than 10 great clients. The one rude lady that wants to throw her weight around and be demanding and act like a real ass. So to all you compulsively rude people...stop it already its getting you no where!


  1. Let's start an anti-rude gang! We'll beat up all the mean people ! ;-) j/k! I totally know what you mean. I sometimes wonder if Wal-Mart has a chemical in their air that brings out the worst in people because let's face it... Wal-Mart is the gathering place of the meanies!!!

  2. I freakin' HATE Wal-Mart!! Don't go there!! Avoid it at all costs. But, I know you don't have much choice. Effingham needs a dang Target. That's where I roll...I'm not down with Wal-Mart.


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