Monday, October 26, 2009

Yah I got an award!

I just got a fabulous blog award from Steph at Watching Airplanes! Thank you so much for the award. All I have to do is pass the award onto 5 Fabulous Blogs and write about 5 things I am obsessed with right now. Sounds pretty easy so here I go...Oh and don't forget to go check out Stephs blog too!

Here are the 5 things I am currently obsessed with...

1. Hand sanitizer and Lysol. I have let the fear of the flu get to my head and I can't spray enough lysol and sanitize my hands enough. I know its crazy but Im around people all day and so I figure better safe than sorry.
2. Two and a Half Men. It is seriously so funny. We started DVR'n it awhile ago and then just decided to make good use of Netflix so we have stared watching from season one. It is one show Eric and I both enjoy watching it and actually makes Eric laugh out loud and thats not easy to do.

3. Fall trees. For 2 days I have been trying to get some beautiful pictures of our fall leaves. I am no professional but one day I thought it is really a beautiful time of year here so I should try and capture it.

4. New York Giants and Eli Manning. I have not always loved to watch football but when your husband does fantasy football you inevitably watch enough to end up liking a certain team. I even had a dream about meeting Eli and then insulted him about loosing his last game. Only I can insult people even in my dreams.

5. Coffee cups. I love coffee so that means I love coffee cups. I would like to eventually have all mis-matched coffee cups all with a story behind them. It doesnt have to be an elaborate story but ones from places we've been or just different looking ones.

Now time to pass out the Fabulous Blog Award..and they go to....



  1. Congrats! And hand sanitizer is addicting.

  2. I love the trees in fall!!!! Thanks for the award!!!

  3. Thank you so much for the great Award. What a great blog you have here!

  4. Nice post - eli manning pictures ..Keep Posting

    eli manning pictures


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