Monday, December 7, 2009

A collection of Facebook Status Updates.

Okay so I feel like lately I have had an abundance of Facebook Status updates but don't want to be that annoying person that updates their status every 5 minutes so I thought I would just blog about them in a Random blog post.

-One of my best friends got married Saturday and it was an awesome time getting to catch up with friends. Congrats James and Gretchen.

-My damn pre-lit Christmas tree has more lights that have burnt out!!!

-I need to get my Christmas shopping done but just haven't been feeling up to it.

-My New York Giants beat the Cowboys yesterday and that made me SO Happy!!!

-I am getting through Wurthering Heights and its actually getting good!

-Dear people that drive HWY 33, get off my ass if Im driving to slow I cant go faster than the person ahead of me.

-I have clothes that needed folded and they are just going to have to wait.

-I love the new electric heater Eric bought me. I can get our bedroom really warm in a matter of no time.

I guess thats all for now. I am sure there will be more random post to come!


  1. I HATE when people ride my ass. Slow the f down people. I do the numbers. You are only going to save about 30 seconds by driving like a jackass.

  2. I hate when people ride my tail on the highway! Hope you're having a good holiday season!


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