Thursday, June 4, 2009


27....I am going to be 27 tomorrow! I know, how can that be?!!! What is it about this number that I just keep saying over and over? I know that I am not old but I feel like I am asking where the last few years went. I don't want to be 21 again believe me I am much happier with the person I am now.... but I feel like 27 really? I guess its just on the down hill slide to 30. I am no longer in my early 20's I am now in my late 20's! I realize I am just freaking out but that's what blogs are for I guess and since Eric isn't hear to listen to me this is the next best thing. I know that getting older is better than the alternative so I will stop ranting about turning 27 tomorrow and just have my last glass of wine as a 26 year old and hit the sac. Thanks for reading.......

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