Thursday, February 19, 2009

This weeks writing assignment...

It's time for Mama Kats writing assignment and this week I am gonna be an over achiever and write on three of them. I know some people write on several of these a week but not me this is a first. So here were my choices:

The Prompts:
1.) If you were starring on American Idol TONIGHT and HAD to sing, what song would you choose and why.
2.) Take a picture of yourself right this minute without primping and explain to us why it is you have not washed your hair today.
3.) I just asked Pat to help me with a writing prompt so here's his: "What do you think about the NBA All Star game"...blech.
4.) What's your number one pet peeve? Develop a punishment for anyone caught in the act.
5.) Write about something mean you did to a sibling growing up.

Okay so first # 2

I just got of work and read Mama Kats assignment and grabbed my camera and this is what you got. I don't look horrible but I have looked better.

#4 A pet peeve- I hate when people smack their gum or chew their food loudly. It not only grosses me out but people should know better! I think the punishment should be that I am able to SMACK them upside the head and say "STOP THAT!"

# 5 Something mean I did to a sibling growing up-This one I really had to think hard about and choose wisely. I am the oldest so there is a list a mile long of things I did to my sis that were mean. Although we are very close now back in the day I really could be horrible. Okay so the first thing that comes to my mind would be..... and I cant believe I am writing it because its so bad. Here goes...I used to tie a very long rope around my sisters foot and then she would run in circles kinda like I was lunging a horse. At any given time I would pull the rope and of course her leg and she would fall to the ground and I would laugh. Most of the time she would laugh too but wow that is so mean. I would always tell her you go first and then you can do it to me but you know that never happened. I always made her try anything dangerous first and if she didn't get hurt then I would try it. I tell myself that made her tough. She eventually started riding bulls which I did not encourage but I figured I helped her get tough enough to do so.



  1. Ummm... just so you know... the picture wasn't supposed to be so glamorous. It just isn't fair that you look that good all the time! ;-)

    Thanks for the laugh. I seriously laughed out loud picturing your sis fall down... how mean... but oooohhhh sooo funny!

  2. I used to tell my little sister that if she would tickle my arm then I would tickle hers. But once she was done, I'd tell her I was too tired. She fell for it every time. ;-)

    By the way, you're hair is awesome! I see no confusion!


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